Margie Alfonso grew up in Grosse Pointe, Michigan and graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Bacteriology and Public Health.  She is always interested in the health issues present in our modern world and how we can use technology to serve us, NOT enslave us.

Margie served as the coordinator for The National Conference on HIV/AIDS with the assistance of the Reagan White House, spearheading legislation for nationwide testing.

In 2018, Margie traveled to Washington D.C to educate Congress members about wireless radiation health effects.  Here is a letter from the CA Brain Tumor Association that she received thanking her for spreading the truth about wireless radiation exposure.

She has spearheaded three planks on Public Health for the Oklahoma State Republican Convention (Read the OK GOP Platform) and one plank for the Tulsa County Republican Party Platform 2020.


OK 2019 State Republican Platform

Page 3, #9 – We support the labeling of all wireless devices and systems including but not limited to Wi-Fi, cellular phones, smart meters, baby monitors, iPads, DECT phones, etc. to disclose the known health risks of RF microwave radiation and EMF radiation emissions including but not limited to cancer, heart disease, infertility, fetal damage and digital dementia.

Page 3 & 4, #10 – We support health and safety testing by independent scientist in relation to 5G millimeter microwave wireless radiation or deployment of 5G.

Page 11, #17 – We support the independent testing of radiation levels in all public schools with full disclosure of the proven hazards and impacts of radio frequency, electromagnetic, and microwave radiation upon children and youth (e.g.: mitochondrial and DNA damage and destruction).

Tulsa County Republican Party Platform 2020
Page 10, #10 – We demand stopping the 5G roll-out and its implementation immediately for the sake of safety, life and liberty of over 330 million USA citizens.

Page 10, #13 – We object to smart meters because of health factors and we wish to replace them with analog meters.

Navy Microwave and RF Effects Brief 1971

Navy Microwave and RF Effects Brief 1971

More than 2300 references on the biological responses to radio frequency and microwave radiation, published up to April 1972, are included in this bibliography of the world literature. Particular attention has been paid to the effects on man o: non-ionizing radiation...

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5G Ambulance Deaths and 5G Bird Deaths

5G Ambulance Deaths and 5G Bird Deaths

Part of a Mainz Meeting document excerpt on the 5G ambulance deaths and 5G bird deaths. Martin L. Pall, Professor Emeritus It was proudly announced in England that an ambulance service will be using 5G communication between the ambulances and the hospitals served by...

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EMFs, calcium and Alzheimer’s disease: A closer link

EMFs, calcium and Alzheimer’s disease: A closer link

The article by Dr. Martin L. Pall is published in the journal, Current Alzheimer Research, 2022 BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS For almost a quarter of a century, researchers have been studying and publishing on the effect of calcium on Alzheimer’s Disease. Research has...

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Firefighters Fighting Cell Towers

Firefighters Fighting Cell Towers

To those who are observant and have seen that cell towers are now being placed directly next to, or on top of, fire houses and police stations (and schools), it would appear that firefighters and police (and children) are being targeted for destruction through...

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Overall, these 1800 or so new studies report abnormal gene transcription (Section 5); genotoxicity and single-and double-strand DNA damage (Section 6); stress proteins because of the fractal RF-antenna like nature of DNA (Section 7); chromatin condensation and loss of...

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